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Procurement Industry Event Updates

The whole world is trying to figure out how to respond to the coronavirus threat. As a result, we're starting to hear news of procurement industry event cancellations. We will track news of them in this post, making updates as the news comes in.

Many of the events listed below are going 'virtual', so click on the link for each event to read their official announcement.

If you are running an event or hear word of a cancellation that is not listed here, please contact me here.

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Recommended Webinars April 13-17: Third Party Health, Growing Great Companies, and the Best Approach to Data Analytics

If you want to attend a webinar about COVID-19, you have plenty to choose from. The reality is, every webinar about every topic is being either officially or unofficially reworked to reflect the world's short-term focus on the pandemic or longer-term projections about what may come next.

A word of caution about predictions: consider your own ‘visibility horizon’. How far into the future can you look and say with any level of certainty what will happen? Don’t assume that, just because someone seems authoritative, they have more information than you do. Take in all of the quality information you can, and then make your decisions locally.

If you are planning your schedule further ahead, another weekly webinar series just hit the calendar. Corcentric will host a webinar each Thursday for the next three weeks (starting on April 16th) focused on Navigating During Disruption.

BTW: If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get my weekly recommendations in your inbox each Monday.

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