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Aug 30 – Sept 3: Categorypalooza, Sourcing Bots, AI, ML, and RPA for P2P

As we creep out of the summer, it is becoming apparent that everyone has been working behind the scenes all summer to plan events. I added a dozen new events to the calendar last week that extend into...

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April 26-30: Operating Models, Optimization, and Spending the CPO’s Political Capital

Thanks to everyone who joined us for Dial P for Procurement on Supply Chain Now last week. Scott Luton and I had an amazing conversation about risk, resiliency, and agility with Gartner’s Koray Kose a...

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Surviving Natural Selection in the Procurement ‘Wild’

On Tuesday, we ran a guest post from keelvar’s founder and CEO Alan Holland. In the post, he challenges many of the traditional notions procurement practitioners have about the solutions they use, what to expect from those solutions, and how to select which solutions to implement.

It is natural to follow the developments at the larger solutions providers in the procurement space. Acquisitions, especially notable ones, always result in an interesting news cycle before dying back down to become part of the new status quo. But there have been equally interesting changes and developments taking place at smaller solution providers. We owe it to ourselves to be as aware of those changes as we are of the big shifts.

In my view, there are several niche companies deserving of attention, and they represent not only a new or alternative take on what we currently have available to us, but also a new way of looking at the solutions that support procurement. As long as there are visionary entrepreneurs who are willing to apply themselves to the procurement space, we should encourage them and do everything we can to support them in their efforts – because in the end, we are the ones who benefit.

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