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Recommended Procurement Webinars March 11-15: Beyond Trends, CLM to Stand the Test of Time, and Gig Economy Spend

As we crawl towards spring, there are plenty of webinars taking place, but also some live events happening over the next few weeks. ProcureCon Indirect East is Florida on March 25-27 and Ariba Live is in Austin, Texas April 1-3.

If you are planning your webinar schedule beyond this week, I recommend a new listing from HfS Research on March 28th at 11am ET: ‘Integrated Automation: Why You’ve Been Doing It All Wrong’. This panel formal webinar will feature speakers from HfS, KPMG, and a ‘mystery’ Chief Data Officer “To be Announced”.

BTW: If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get my weekly recommendations in your Inbox each Monday.

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Recommended Procurement Webinars for October 16-20: Extended supply partners, Supply chain risk ROI, the High-end gig Economy

After a quiet week last week, we’re ramping back up to a full schedule with 9 events taking place. And if you’re thinking a little further out, I’m presenting a webinar with Jaggaer and WNS Denali on October 26th: How can you control rogue marketing spend? Click on the title of each recommended webinar below to view the full description and register.

BTW: If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get my weekly recommendations in your Inbox each Monday.


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Recommended Procurement Webinars for July 31 – August 4: Direct Talent, International AP, Scenario Planning in an Uncertain World

This week’s three webinars all draw on big trends affecting all companies and industries: changing workforce structure, increased globalization within enterprises, and the impact of uncertainty on planning and risk mitigation. Click on the title of each webinar below to view the full description and register.

BTW: If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get my weekly recommendations in your Inbox each Monday.

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Recommended Procurement Webinars for Jan 23-27: Cash Flow, Data Speed, 2017 Trends and Predictions

There are a dozen events taking place this week – many of which seem to have been planned to incorporate a big picture vision for the new year. The really amazing thing is that even with so many webinars taking place, there is very little topical overlap. Scan the titles of this week’s webinars and you’ll have an appreciation of the full range of subjects touched on by procurement on a regular basis. Click on the title of each webinar below to view the full description and register.


BTW: If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get my weekly recommendations in your Inbox each Monday.

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