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What NOT to Do in a P2P Implementation

This content was made possible by a collaboration with the team at JAGGAER. For as many times as we have run implementation projects, they are still fraught with friction and frustration. Worst of all...

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Why Even Medium-Sized Companies Need P2P Software to Ensure Operational Efficiency

When SMBs launch, they tend to have informal procurement processes. This informality might work with four to five employees and a handful of customers, but it simply isn’t practical for a growing busi...

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Guest Post on the Social Contracting Blog: P is for Procurement... except when it isn't

Click here to read this post on the Social Contracting blog.

The Finance team manages the finances of the enterprise. Marketing people market services and solutions to the purchaser (or customer). Human resources manages… well humans.

Given those examples, you would think that Procurement handled procurement. In an ironic twist, this is becoming less and less true—especially as technology evolves and blurs the line between Procurement as an entity and procurement as a process.


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Recommended Webinars November 11-15: CRM for Procurement, Operational P2P and a Direct Mail Renaissance

In addition to this week’s webinar recommendations, the Supply Chain Next conference is taking place in Chicago, IL on Monday and Tuesday. If you are looking for a longer term webinar recommendation, I suggest Planning for 2020: Executive Outlook from Supply & Demand Chain Executive and BSI on December 10th.

BTW: If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get my weekly recommendations in your Inbox each Monday.

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Best Procurement and Supply Chain Webinars 5/16 - 20

In addition to the events below, Jon Hansen and I are presenting an IACCM webinar on Thursday on an unconventional topic: Picture of Dorian Gray, Procurement Pro. Hopefully you can join us! As to my other recommendations, click on the title of each event below to view the full description in our events calendar and to connect to their registration pages.

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