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Why Your RFP Responses are Failing

From buyers to suppliers, everyone knows that the Request for Proposal (RFP) process is… less than ideal. At the same time, it is often central to the procurement process, so sales teams everywhere should be prepared to put their best foot forward when responding.

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  5319 Hits

ERP Growing Pains: Strategic Sourcing

This content is made possible by Warm Commerce ERP systems are absolutely critical for business process consistency, materials management, and financial coordination.As the data cr...

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Recommended Procurement Webinars September 2-6: Supplier Selection and Thriving With Risk

Now that the summer is finally winding to a close, we should be able to get back to business as usual with webinar recommendations. In fact, I wasn’t expecting to be able to do a post this week (with the Labor Day holiday in the US), but voila! Webinars to attend!

If you are planning your webinar schedule beyond this week, I recommend “World-Class Procurement: Redefining Performance in a Digital Era”, hosted by Coupa and featuring The Hackett Group’s Amy Fong on September 25th.

BTW: If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get my weekly recommendations in your Inbox each Monday.

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Our Recommended Procurement Webinars for October 17-21

This week our recommended procurement webinars bring us three ideas: supplier prequalification, the bullwhip effect, and finance transformation. Click on the title of each event below to view the full description and register or visit the BMP events calendar to see what’s on tap for the rest of the month.

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  6616 Hits