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Can Real Human Beings Be Good at Procurement?

This guest post is part of The Procurement Revolution. To share your thoughts or join the conversation, use #ProcureRev on Twitter or use the comment functionality below.   I'm Ovidiu Slimac and ...

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Improving Public Procurement Through Improved Incentives

In a recent Buyers Meeting Point guest post Bryan Robinson asked What if the US Government Embraced Strategic Sourcing? Cynically upon reading the title my first thought was... "Nothing." The issue is...

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Procurement Perspectives Podcast: Panel Discussion on The Politics of Procurement

This week's guest audio comes from a panel discussion moderated by Code for America. They create open source solutions and facilitate a collaborative community around their use. Code for America also hosts an annual summit that brings together public sector innovators and the organizations that collaborate with them – and that is where this particular recording was made: at a 2014 summit panel on public sector procurement.

In this exchange, the panel responds to an audience question about the politics of procurement and facilitating cross-functional communication for the sake of gaining buy in.

The full video – Procurement for the 21st Century - is available on their YouTube channel. You can listen to the podcast on Blog Talk Radio or on our Sound Cloud page.

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Recommended Procurement Webinars April 29 – May 3: Contingent Workforce and Public Procurement Metrics

As we turn the calendar to May, there are already 8 webinars and 3 conferences listed. If you are planning your webinar schedule beyond this week, I recommend ‘Procurement: The Forgotten Member of the Supply Chain Function’ hosted on June 19th by SCNRadio, TalentStream, and APICS Atlanta and presented by Jonathan M. Townsley, CPM Supply Chain Practitioner & Consultant.

BTW: If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get my weekly recommendations in your Inbox each Monday.

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Recommended Webinars June 11-15: BIC Category Management, Emerging Markets, and Optimized Public Procurement

This week’s webinars provide us with a broad range of topics – process trends, global supply chain crises, optimizing public procurement, and direct access programs for hiring independent talent – demonstrating just how expansive the knowledge base for procurement professionals has become.  

If you like to plan further ahead, I recommend “Get Smart About Your Digital Underbelly Or You'll Fail To Scale” from HfS Research and a panel of experts on June 21st.

BTW: If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get my weekly recommendations in your Inbox each Monday.

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