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Best Procurement and Supply Chain Webinars 6/13 - 17

Here are my recommendations for the best way to spend 1 hour of thought provoking professional development time this week. Click on the title of each event below to view the full description in our events calendar and to connect to their registration pages.

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  5411 Hits

Best Procurement and Supply Chain Webinars 6/20 - 24

This week’s event schedule is a little crazy – one on Tuesday, one of Wednesday, and then EIGHT on Thursday! With that many events, there is bound to be one that you’ll benefit from. Click on the title of each event below to view the full description in our events calendar and to connect to their registration pages.


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Best Procurement and Supply Chain Webinars 7/11 - 15

And… we’re back! After a week (mostly) without events due to the holiday weekend, we once again have a slate of webinars to recommend. Click on the title of each event below to view the full description in our events calendar and to connect to their registration pages.

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  5671 Hits

Best Procurement and Supply Chain Webinars 8/29 – 9/2

We’re officially making the transition to September this week, although most of the events take place before we’ll need to turn the page on our calendars. Click on the title of each event below to view the full description in our events calendar and to connect to their registration pages.

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Best Procurement and Supply Chain Webinars 9/12 - 16

After a drought last week, webinars are back with a vengeance! There are 9 this week and 12 already scheduled for next week. Having so many events to choose from doesn’t necessarily make it easy to pick just a few to recommend, but it does ensure that if you make the time you will learn something new. Click on the title of each event below to view the full description and register or visit the BMP events calendar to see what’s on tap for the rest of the month.


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Our Recommended Procurement Webinars for November 14 – 18: Future Prepping

There are 14 webinars taking place this week – plus ProcureCon Marketing in California Monday through Wednesday. Of course, that is probably due to the fact that with Thanksgiving in the U.S. on November 24th there is only one lone event in the calendar that week. Click on the title of each webinar below to view the full description and register or visit the BMP events calendar to see what’s on tap for the rest of the month.


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Recommended Procurement Webinars Nov 28 – Dec 2: Beyond Savings and Under Par

Welcome back from the US Thanksgiving holiday! With 5 weeks left in the calendar year (3 effective working weeks) the time to get in your professional development time is now! Click on the title of each webinar below to view the full description and register or visit the BMP events calendar to see what’s on tap for the rest of the month.

** BONUS: Mark your calendars and join me for a live Twitter #Instaschat discussion December 1st at 1pm ET!


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Recommended Procurement Webinars for October 23-27: Bots, Branding, and things that go Bump in the Night

Another busy week of events! 11 webinars and ProcureCon Pharma in Philadelphia Oct. 24-26. I’m also presenting a webinar this week, along with Jaggaer and WNS Denali: How can you control rogue marketing spend? We will have an honest (and humorous) conversation about the challenges procurement commonly faces with Marketing and make some recommendations to address them. Click on the title of each recommended webinar below to view the full description and register.


BTW: If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get my weekly recommendations in your Inbox each Monday.


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  7091 Hits

RPA and Soft Skills: Why you shouldn't fear being replaced by a robot

It has become increasingly common to hear about technological disruptions. Every day there is a new tool, software, methodology or someone trying to do something different. And this is excellent! Tech...

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  3499 Hits

eBook Review: Introduction to Robotic Process Automation – A Primer

On June 5th, I covered a webinar on Robotic Process Automation (see my notes here). At the time, they announced the planned release of an eBook on the topic. It is now available for free as a download...

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Book Review: The Industries of the Future

Editor’s note: It is my distinct belief that as corporate objectives become more general, functional silos dissipate, and millennial professional habits lead to increased talent rotation, the inf...

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Bot Technology: A Procurement Experts Thoughts

The ‘app boom’ is widely recognized to be slowing as we approach the half way mark of 2017. Success stories such as Snapchat and Uber remain (in terms of continued, steep growth), but the aggregate gr...

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  9429 Hits

Webinar Notes: A Primer on Robotic Process Automation

“The bigger you are, the more likely you are to fail because of the change required in aggregate.” – Thomas Young, Founder and Managing Partner of RUMJog Enterprises

“This is real.” - Frank Casale, Founder of the Institute for Robotic Process Automation and the Outsourcing Institute


These webinar notes are from a May 28th event run by the Institute for Robotic Process Automation (IRPA), which was founded by the Outsourcing Institute’s Frank Casale. Casale was joined in the event by a panel of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) experts: Raheem Hasan (CMO, IRPA), Pat Geary (CMO, Blue Prism), and Thomas Young (Founder and Managing Partner, RUMJog Enterprises).

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  8685 Hits

Webinar Notes: The End of Outsourcing? RPA is Here to Stay

These notes are from an August 18th webinar by the Institute for Robotic Process Automation (IRPA). The primary speakers were Barry Matthews Managing Director at Alsbridge, and Eric Shander, Vice President of Global Technology Services at IBM Global Services.

I’ve been covering all of the Robotis Process Automation (RPA) events based on IRPA’s recently released ebook meant to educate people about RPA. The most important things to know are that RPA is best suited to logic-based, repeatable tasks currently performed by in house employees or third party outsourcers. In some cases, robots can even provide governance or oversight of other robots. The other thing to know is that these aren’t mechanical robots – they are software robots: programs designed to handle tasks and learn over time.

The piece of this particular event that I found the most compelling was the potential for negative impact, or the ‘bad and ugly’ as they put it in the webinar. Let’s face it, as much as people decry the impact of offshoring, RPA’s cost structure and scalability raises a significantly larger concern about job loss. The honest truth is that RPA will have an effect on jobs, but it may not be quite what people think.

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  6923 Hits

Webinar Notes: The Raw Truth About Intelligent Automation

These notes are based on attending an October 13th webinar hosted by HfS Research. The event can be viewed on demand here.

The panel included two HfS team members (Phil Fersht and Charles Sutherland) and two executives from Cognizant: Robert Hoyle Brown and Matt Smith. I listened to the event end to end twice – once live and once on demand. The topic of automation is fascinating and it was well covered and discussed in this webinar. My challenge was to figure out what this growing trend means for procurement.

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Recommended Webinars February 17-21: Minimizing Tail Spend and RPA Ease of Use

The following are our webinar recommendations for the coming week – selected based on topics and speakers. If you are planning your webinar schedule further ahead, I recommend “Managing Supply Ecosystems“ from IACCM on March 2 at 11am ET.

BTW: If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get my weekly recommendations in your Inbox each Monday.

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Recommended Webinars February 10-14: Contract Action, BiC Contingent Workforce, C-Level Digital Initiatives

For anyone in the Atlanta, GA area who wants to meet an amazing group of procurement professionals, you’ll want to check out the ProcuremenTalks event this Wednesday from 6-8:30pm: Procurement Nightmares, Trainwrecks & Meltdowns: Tales of Lessons Learned.

If you are planning your webinar schedule further ahead, I recommend “Southwest Airlines Gets Jiffy With Automation: An Underdog RPA Tale Driven By Cultural Fit And Ease Of Use” from HfS Research and on February 20th at 11am ET.

BTW: If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get my weekly recommendations in your Inbox each Monday.

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Recommended Webinars December 9-13: Talent Crisis, Digital-Led Transformation and Workforce in the Age of Automation

This is an incredibly busy week – 10 webinars in four days. Looks like 2019 is going to go out with a bang! So put on your cozy socks and dig out your mug Snuggie (see how I did that, tying everything into the image above?) and settle in for a webinar by a warm fire.

The first 2020 events are starting to go up as well, so don’t hesitate to keep an eye on January. Speaking of which, if you are planning your webinar schedule beyond this week, I recommend “The dos and don’ts of stakeholder engagement & collaboration” from Proactis and Peter Smith on January 21st.

BTW: If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get my weekly recommendations in your Inbox each Monday.

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Recommended Webinars Oct 7-11: Top Tips, Transforming Direct Procurement and The Real State of Ops and Outsourcing

The New England Supply Chain Conference and Exposition (or NESCON) is taking place on Monday of this week in Marlborough, MA – outside of Boston. I’ll be there in person along with some familiar faces, so please reach out if you plan to be onsite! If you can’t be there on person, watch the BMP Twitter feed for updates throughout the day.

If you are looking for a longer term recommendation, check out “Power your Source-to-Pay with insightful and predictive analytics” from basware on October 24th.

BTW: If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get my weekly recommendations in your Inbox each Monday.

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Recommended Procurement Webinars June 3-7: Embedding Social Value and the Death of RPA

We’ve officially entered the summer slowdown from a webinar perspective. While this means the volume of events to choose from is down, it means that anyone hosting an event is committed to it and will hopefully put in a bit of extra effort to make the investment of time worthwhile!

If you are planning your webinar schedule beyond this week, I recommend ‘Lessons in Transformation: What Direct Procurement Teams Can Learn from Indirect Procurement’ with SIG and GEP on June 18th at 1pm ET.

BTW: If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get my weekly recommendations in your Inbox each Monday.

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  8498 Hits