“In many cities of the country there’s a fear of the streets especially if there’s disorder and things are in disarray. In many organizations there is a fear of management. No small part of this is du...
“We are rarely totally engaged or present. We are digitally distracted. And, as I said earlier, on an ongoing basis we have tuned out what’s happening around us.” - Julienne B. Ryan, p. 22 ...
In December, New York City purchasing managers reported increased activity in every index for the first time since May's report began the slow climb back from the peak of the pandemic's impact, accord...
One of the aspects of ever-growing experience is the sorrow of knowledge. In times of economic turbulence, procurement could be dragged into a cycle of faulty practices that starts well before the cri...
Well folks, this is it. My last recommendation post of 2020. I’m somewhat at a loss for words when I think about this year – everything since March 12th (when our local schools closed) has been a blur...
In November, New York City purchasing managers reported that the activity aligned with every index except Prices Paid had slowed down, according to the survey taken by the Institute for Supply Management-New York.
This content was made possible by a collaboration with the team at JAGGAER Category management is one of the many processes – like spend analysis, supplier performance management, and strategic sourci...
This content was posted on the ATSC Blog on November 23, 2020 Like everything else in 2020, we can expect the holiday shopping season to come with unique challenges. Not only are pandemic shutdowns on...
Every year, I pause at Thanksgiving and give thanks for all of the people and organizations that I’ve enjoyed and appreciated during the year. Usually, it is a pleasant task of looking back through em...
This article was made possible through a collaboration with Creactives. Emerging technologies are ‘all the rage’ in procurement today – especially for rules-based tasks that have to be quickly and rel...
Although the events calendar is mostly empty for next week because of the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S., there are two webinars currently scheduled. I’m expecting to have either 2 or 3 more recomme...
My first recommendation on Emotional Intelligence is for procurement and supply chain professionals to benchmark their own personal emotional intelligence aptitude. I used the book Emotional Intellige...
The shift from COVID response to recovery is clear to me in the events recommended below as well as the other events I’ve just added to the events calendar. Here’s an example, rather than supply chain...
In October, New York City purchasing managers reported growth level numbers in every index except Current Revenues, according to the survey taken by the Institute for Supply Management-New York. Click...
In addition to the recommended webinars listed below, there are two other dates this week I’d like to call your attention to... On Tuesday, I’ll be releasing the October ISM-NY Report on Business at 9...
Editor's Note: There are all kinds of surprises waiting to be found in the MyPurchasingCenter archive, and this interview post is one of them. Joanna Martinez, is a good friend of mine and well known ...
The events schedule seems to be picking back up this week, with 9 events taking place. I’ve also started filling up the November page, which promises to be busy since there is effectively one less wee...
“The funny thing about truth is you cannot change it. When something is true, it is true.” - Dan Andrew, p. 20 First Trust: Your Guide from Rags to Riches for an Abundant Life and Career by Dani...
Procurement and supply chain professionals must be aware of and strive to improve their emotional intelligence. It has a key impact in negotiations. Soft skills are becoming more important - even in the digital age.
This is the time of year when it becomes all too easy to count down the days and weeks left on the calendar. By my count, we have about 8 solid weeks remaining – when you allow for Thanksgiving and th...